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Infrastructure and Technology

NPT CE is an engineering company specializing in providing advanced technologies and solutions for industries related to the processing of food, feed, biomass, fertilizers, various bulk materials and services.

We design and build complete factories and installations as a general contractor or co-contractor. We provide complete production technologies for industries related to the processing of bulk raw materials. NPT CE designs production lines for the feed, biomass, fertilizer, sewage sludge, digestate and alternative fuel industries. We produce machines for mixing, granulating, sterilizing and agglomerating lines. Our production lines operate under the control of automatic control systems that require minimal operator support.

We design complete technologies for

  • loose, granulated and sterilized feed factories,

  • forest and agricultural biomass pellet factories,

  • producers of granulated and agglomerated fertilizers,

  • producers of pellets from digestate and sewage sludge,


Our scope of work is to fully identify the needs and capabilities of investors. We adapt the technologies and types of components in the production line to them.

NPT Consulting Engineers > EPC contractor, Plant Design, Technical Engineering

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